The Only Road Trip Packing List You’ll Ever Need!

A man in a classic blue and white Chevrolet gets ready for a road trip in Cuba
Taken in Cuba: On an epic road trip from Havana to Santa Clara

Going on a road trip forces you to live in the moment and gives you a true sense of ultimate freedom. 

Putting together a road trip packing list, however, can seem a very daunting task, especially if it’s your first rodeo.

After a decade of travel in over 100 countries, I’ve had more than enough practice putting one together and making all the mistakes so you don’t have to.

To be clear: this list aims to cover every possible angle for every type of road trip. It really is a MONSTER of a list and while I appreciate that it could even be too long for most people, the goal was to make a road trip packing list so comprehensive that you will never leave anything (even your disposables) behind ever again!

Some of these items will 100% make it on your list, and others you may think are weird. All I promise is to leave no stone unturned here.

Feel free to pick and choose whatever jumps out to you from this epic road trip packing list…

buying apartment in Chiang Mai

When it comes to packing for a road trip, you’ve probably got food, food and more food right at the top of your list. But, before you get carried away there’s some other sensible stuff to consider packing, which you might be overlooking. 

Whether that’s your car insurance documents or a spare tyre, it’s best to be fully prepared – let’s take a closer look at some stuff you’ll need for the car.

  • Licence and vehicle registration  – Not being legally covered on your car is a sure way to ruin any road trip. Make sure you have your license and registration information with you whenever you’re driving. This way, you’ll dodge legal mishaps should law enforcement pull you over. Some countries are stricter than others with this, and daily bribes added to my cost of living in Bangkok when I first arrived in Thailand, but nations like the USA can be very strict if you don’t provide your required documentation.
  • Insurance policy – As well as having a valid license and registration, your car will need to be insured and it’s always worth having proof of the policy with you. Carrying a paper version of the insurance makes sure you can prove the policy instantly, which could come in especially handy if your road trip takes you through a foreign country. 
  • Copy of health/travel insurance – Touch wood you’ll never need to use it, but having a copy of your health/travel insurance agreement means you have your details straight away, should you need them in an emergency.
  • Passport – Having your passport with you is essential if you’re planning to cross any national borders on your road trip. Even if you don’t plan on border crossing, carrying a strong form of ID on your person is never a bad idea.
  • Spare tyre – Being stranded on the roadside with a flat tyre isn’t ideal when you’re trying to complete a long road trip. Having a spare tire and making sure you know how to change it will get you out of a sticky situation quickly. 
  • Write down important phone numbers – If you lose signal or your phone runs out of charge, having important phone numbers to hand means you can make a call from a kind stranger’s phone or even an emergency phone box on the side of the road.
  • Paper map – We’ve all got so used to handy GPS systems that we rarely carry a paper map with us. Yet, having a map that doesn’t rely on a battery or signal can be a literal lifesaver if you find yourself lost. 

Luggage and Organization 

A man with piles of luggage in the airport.

Fitting all of your luggage into one vehicle is an art all by itself. But what’s the best way to go about it? Luckily, there are plenty of packing hacks and organisers out there to help you pack your bits and bobs a little more efficiently. 

  • Packing cubes – Packing cubes are a great way of using your limited space efficiently. Pacsafe packing cubes come in various sizes, so you can pack certain possessions in space-saving places, freeing up unusual gaps between items.
  • Lashing straps – If room is scarce in the car, there’s always the roof! Packing a set of lashing straps will make strapping down luggage on your roof easy. It’s best to get lashing straps that have a ratchet attached, as they tend to be safer.
  • Hardshell suitcaseHardshell suitcases are the perfect packing case; with plenty of space and a hard shell exterior, you can pack in a great deal and know it is protected from bashes and scrapes.
  • Day trip backpack Along with your larger luggage, you’ll want a day bag to take on hikes or trips away from the car. Choose something that packs down small enough to save space in the car if your vehicle isn’t too big. If you are travelling in a beast; check out my post on how to find the best backpack for you, if you’re not sure.
  • Trove clip organisersSimilar to a cable organiser, a trove clip helps to keep all of your cables secure, even when they are packed away or in your pocket. The simple strap and button mean you can also access your wires easily as opposed to flapping around in a messy panic for your electronic charger.

Personal Hygiene Items


You never know where you’ll be sleeping, needing to clean up on a road trip, so it’s best to play safe and make sure your wash bag is up to scratch.

  • Baby wipes – Baby wipes are one of the easiest ways to keep (kind of) clean on the go. Use them for freshening up quickly or wiping down surfaces and spillages.
  • Hand sanitiser For times when mother nature calls on the side of the road and there’s no running water in sight. 
  • Lip balm – Lip balm helps protect you from the elements while on the road. Whether it’s the scorching sun or the dry wind, a pot of lip balm will prevent any chapping.
  • Bug spray – Insect bites are irritating to deal with while you’re on the road or camping. For the best protection, opt for a spray that has a DEET level of 50% or more. 
  • Toothpaste – To save messy accidents, toothpaste tablets are a fantastic alternative to the tube kind. To save on unnecessary waste, choose a brand of toothpaste tablets such as ‘Nothing Wasted’. Alternatively, you can buy mini toothpaste tubs.
  • Toothbrush – Don’t forget to pack a toothbrush, or you’ll soon become unpopular! A travel toothbrush such as a bamboo BioEcoMe is a popular choice.
  • Tissues – Tissues always come in handy, whether it’s during a quick toilet stop or a sticky, chocolatey spillage.
  • Hanging toiletry bagYou’ll probably need to wash in some awkward spaces while you’re on the road. A hanging toiletry bag helps you keep your washing stuff off the floor and provides an element of home comfort.
  • Nail clippers – Keeping your finger and toenails clipped can give you that fresh feeling, even if you’ve been on the road for weeks. To all you readers who opt for scissors over clippers… a bunch of sadistic weirdos!
  • She-Wee – There’s nothing worse than needing the loo when you’re on a road trip, and it can be twice as frustrating for women who can’t wee up the nearest roadside tree. A Shewee can give you a bit more comfort and a better wee strategy. I have a pathetic bladder and if I was a woman this would be at the top of my road trip packing list as my lady friends swear by them!
  • Moon cup/menstruation productsMother nature doesn’t hold back because you’re on an adventure, so it is best to include menstruation products on your road trip packing list. Devices such as the moon cup can help you feel more comfortable when traditional products aren’t available.
  • No-rinse body washes and shampoo – As adequate showers and washing facilities aren’t always easy to come by, packing no-rinse body wash and shampoo is a smart move. 
  • Bamboo razor – Packing a bamboo razor will ensure you can trim on the road and keep yourself feeling your best. You’ll also feel much better opting for the environmentally friendly bamboo kind (just don’t forget to stock up on blades).
  • Deodorant – Mini roll-on deodorants make the perfect travel option for both size and weight. 
  • Disinfectant wipes – Combining wet wipes and antibacterial properties, disinfectant wipes are a must-have. You can use them to wipe down surfaces, cups and cutlery – a lifesaver when you’re on the road for a long time.
  • ImodiumLoperamide, sold under the brand name Imodium, is a must-have when you’re spending hours at a time away from a toilet. An Imodium will stop the onset of diarrhoea, something that can be quite debilitating when you find yourself in remote locations without a toilet. It’s so good that I wrote a little poem about its brilliance.
  • Iodine – Carrying iodine on your road trip will give you quick access to an antiseptic. You can put this on any bumps or scratches you might get from your travels, preventing them from getting infected.

Car Camping And Outdoor Gear Essentials

Tent mates Marathon des Sables

Once you’re off the road and setting up camp, you’ll need a whole new load of gear to set up your temporary home. Whether your road trip involves camping in your car or pitching up a tent, these bits will come in handy. 

Seeing as you made it this far and you like lists as much as me, feel free to check out My Master Camping List too. It has the usual suspects from below, but a lot more so you won’t forget a thing on your next big camping trip.

  • Travel shoe bag – Having a separate bag to keep your dirty shoes in is a great way to keep the rest of your kit and belongings clean.
  • Sunscreen – It’s important to wear sunscreen if you are sensitive to sunburn. Not only will it protect you from getting burnt on sunny days, but it will also protect you from UV damage and windburn. 
  • Aloe veraAloe vera is a natural plant that has been used for centuries as a healing and cooling agent. Try it on sunburn or painful wounds. 
  • Collapsible mug – To save space in your pack, try a collapsible mug. Much like a normal mug, you can use it for drinking a variety of liquids but then collapse it to fit in the smallest of places.  
  • Collapsible bowls – Much like the mug, you can pack numerous collapsible bowls of all shapes and sizes into the smallest spaces.
  • Swiss Army knife – Perfected by the army of Switzerland, the Swiss Army knife is one of the most practical tools to have in your pack. It combines a blade, corkscrew, can opener, small screwdriver, bottle opener, large screwdriver, wire stripper, reamer, keyring, tweezers and more.
  • Portable stoveHaving a portable stove is a lifeline when you’re out in the sticks or on the road. You’ll find them in all sorts of shapes and sizes and are usually powered by gas.
  • Pots and pans – With the help of pots and pans you can cook up a variety of food on the road. The Quechua cooking set is an ideal choice as all your pots and pans fit into one compact item. 
  • Wooden spoon – The wooden spoon is another universal cooking implement; it can be used for all manner of cooking styles, and it is really lightweight in your pack.
  • Fuel for the stove – This all depends on the type of stove you’ve bought. Most portable stoves run off either butane or propane gas, so make sure you have a spare fuel tank or two in your pack. 
  • Matches/fire starter – There’s no worse feeling than forgetting your lighter, matches or fire starters once you’ve collected your wood and built your fire. For a match that will light in any weather, try a permanent metal match
  • Thermos – Being able to keep your hot drinks hot or your cold drinks cold is something that can’t be underestimated. Investing in a thermos will ensure your drinks are kept at the right temperature – perfect for an uplifting or cooling drink on your trip.
  • Tent – Unless you’re camping out in your car, you’re going to need a tent to keep you warm and dry. Tents come in all shapes and sizes and fit a variety of different needs. Try and pack a tent that doesn’t take much room and can be packed away quickly and easily. 
  • Airbed sleeping matThis makes sleeping on the hardest ground feel like your bed at home. I was the object of envy while climbing Puncak Jaya in West Papua as I lay on my beautiful marshmallow at base camp as my tent buddy slept on a jagged rock!
  • Hanging LED lamp – A hanging LED lamp bringing in a little light can make all the difference to the comfort of your camp. Opt for a battery-powered one to keep things simple.  
  • Rope line –  Arguably one of the most useful bits of kit to pack, a rope line can be used as a washing line, put up a mosquito net and for all manner of safety lines and harnesses.
  • Clips for clothes – Keeping your clothes dry is important when you’re living on the road and being able to clip your clothes up is the quickest way to do this.  
  • Camping Shoes – Packing a pair of camping shoes is an efficient way to rest your feet after a day in hiking boots
  • Hiking pants – Including hiking pants on your road trip packing list is a given; they provide protection and comfort when you’re hiking through both cold and warm climates.
  • Daysack (small backpack) – If you’re heading off on excursions from camp, having a small backpack is far more comfortable than heaving around all of your gear. 

Comfort And Sleep On Your Road Trip

A man smiles goofily in a pink bedroom in a Casa Particular in Havana, Cuba
The funky bedroom I stayed in while visiting Havana during a fantastic 7 days in Cuba.

Just because you’re away from the cosiness of your bedroom and bed doesn’t mean you can’t plan to sleep in relative comfort. Including certain items on your road trip packing list can turn your rudimentary campsite into a home away from home.

  • Comfy blanket – Even if you have only one thing to sleep on, a comfy blanket should be it, as a good night’s sleep can make or break a trip.
  • Rubbish bags – Whenever you’re camping or travelling, you should leave the area just how you found it. Having a good stash of rubbish bags will make this easier.
  • Travel pillowWhen you’re taking turns driving, passengers can enjoy a comfortable car nap with a travel pillow, as well as added comfort in the tent.   
  • Sleep maskSleeping in a moving car or even in the new surroundings of a campsite can be difficult. Having a sleep mask can help you nod off in no time. I like the ones that wrap around your face, as opposed to the ones that have straps that irritate the top of your ears.
  • EarplugsWhether it’s the sound of the engine or the sound of a noisy campsite, earplugs can help you get that perfect night’s sleep.  
  • Laundry bags – Keeping dirty clothes separate from your clean kit is good practice, and a laundry bag can help you keep on top of this.
  • Painkillers – Keeping a box of paracetamol or ibuprofen on hand is a must whenever you’re on the road or camping; whether it’s to cure a headache or decrease swelling on a sprained ankle, you’ll be glad you added them to your road trip packing list.
  • Travel towel – Travel towels pack down small and dry quickly – perfect for a quick shower before you head off on the open road. 
  • Fold-out chairs – Fold-out chairs can be collapsed down to save space in the car, but are a welcomed addition to your campsite. 
  • Hammock – Packing a hammock means you can have a comfortable place to lie wherever you are. Simply string it up between two trees, and you’re away!
  • Plastic mirror – Plastic won’t shatter like glass, so you can stay looking good without the risk.

Food & Eating Accessories

A camper eating food with a spork
Have Spork; will travel.

What we’ve all been waiting for… food! Reaching that fine balance between nutrition, comfort, saving space and being full is tricky, but more than possible. Let’s look at the things you shouldn’t be leaving in the kitchen cupboard while you’re out and about. 

  • Spork – Combining a spoon and a fork, a spork is the quintessential camping kitchen implement and saves on space. The true unsung hero of the road trip packing list. What an invention! All hail the mighty spork!
  • Dehydrated foodDehydrated food only needs you to add water; this means you can pack weeks and weeks’ worth of food supplies without using up too much space. Dehydrated food will also last far longer than fresh food. 
  • Caffeine – Whether it’s caffeine gum, a flask of your favourite blend, or a Pro Plus pill, having a boost of caffeine can help keep you alert, and focused and give you that little boost when you haven’t reached your destination yet or get going if you’re not a morning person.
  • Tin opener – Tinned food keeps better and longer than fresh food. It’s also really easy to warm up on those nights when you just can’t be arsed to cook. 
  • Coldbox – A cold box keeps your food at a nice cool temperature and there’s usually room for a cheeky beer too!
  • LifeStraw water filter bottleLifeStraw water filter bottles allow you to drink water from a range of places, be that a river or even a puddle, filtering any harmful bacteria out. If you want to go even more hardcore then get the GRAYL Geopress Water Purifier!
  • Ziploc bags & Tupperware – Ziploc bags and Tupperware are both ideal for holding all sorts of foodstuffs, keeping them fresh and sealed off from nasties. They also come in handy when you need to keep your things dry.
  • Huel – Made from natural foodstuffs such as oats, rice, peas, coconut and flaxseed, Huel is a helpful meal replacement with complete nutrition. Packaged in a powdered form, it’s like a super multivitamin with healthy calories and macronutrients too. Huel is the perfect quick-fix food. A Doomsday prepper’s delight!
  • Chopping board – Keeping your cooking ingredients clean and having a surface to chop them on is something we often forget when camping. Choose a slimline chopping board to save on packing space.
  • Sharp cutting knife – A necessity in any kitchen, be that at home or on the road, a sharp cutting knife can save you a lot of time when preparing campfire food.  
  • Bottle opener – Popping beer bottle tops is easy when you have your own bottle opener to hand. 
  • Picnic blanket – A good picnic blanket can turn even the most unwelcoming patch of grass into a natural dining table. 
  • Small sponges for washing dishes/cups – Keeping your kit clean will keep you and your fellow road trippers in the best of health, aided by a set of small sponges for washing up.

Tech Stuff For a Road Trip

Two men in cold weather clothing check their phones intensely
I know this looks terribly anti-social but we desperately needed to check the weather report.

Modern road trips aren’t quite what they used to be, and this isn’t always a bad thing. With such a huge selection of technology out there, much of it can enhance your camping experience and capture it for future nostalgia.

  • Phone – It’s hard to imagine not having a phone with you these days, but being on the road or on a camping trip, having one is a no-brainer. You can contact people in emergencies or find each other should you get lost and of course, it’s the house for all your smart apps that you may need.
  • Charger cables for all tech – Your tech’ is no good without charge so don’t forget the many charger cables to go with it!
  • KindleAs an avid reader, having a Kindle means you can have your entire library with you without taking up too much room. Its backlight will also keep you reading in those darker spots. 
  • Portable Bose speakerPortable speakers are brilliant for creating an atmosphere in camp and can even replace the car radio if your signal disappears out in the sticks. 
  • Power banks – Save draining the car battery by charging all your gear and investing in a power bank. These can charge most modern devices and usually come complete with a series of USB ports. I always travel with a smaller, more compact one and a larger power bank and also a solar powered-power bank.
  • International plug adaptorsDifferent countries use different plug adapters, so it’s good practice to pack an adaptor. Purchasing a universal adapter means you can adapt to any international plug socket with one handy device.  
  • Car phone mount – Mounting your phone on the car’s dashboard is useful for following your phone’s GPS guidance and having fingertip control over the music.
  • GoProGoPros can capture a wide range of photos and footage from a multitude of angles, great for capturing handsfree action,
  • Phone tripod and Bluetooth wireless remote – You no longer need to awkwardly ask that stranger to take a photo when you have a Bluetooth wireless remote. Simply set up your phone on your tripod and snap away.
  • Gorillapod – A GorillaPod is similar to a tripod but has the ability to wrap its legs around all manner of surfaces, perfect for shooting footage anywhere!

Road Trip Apps

Downloading a few apps onto your phone before you leave will make your life a lot easier on the road. Here are a few I wouldn’t go without.

  • app – Unreliant on GPS, app can be used off of mobile data or WIFI – ideal for finding your way around a new place when you go on a long road trip in a foreign country.
  • Google Maps – A must-have for any road trip, Google Maps will lead you the way and give you estimated times for your journeys. Don’t forget to download your route before you head off into the land of no signal.
  • – Always have the latest weather forecast at your fingertips, and plan around some of the riskier weather conditions. 
  • Netflix –  The Netflix app allows you to download your favourite shows or movies, all ready to watch at the end of a hard day’s travelling.
  • Audible – Download a selection of audiobooks and podcasts with the Audible app; ‘War and Peace’ seems a lot shorter when you’re being read to! 
  • Spotify – The perfect music app, giving you the ability to listen to your favourite songs on the go. Spotify also allows you to download songs, so you don’t have to use mobile data or WIFI. 
  • Trail Wallet – This app helps track your budget for your travels, saving you the hassle of calculating every penny you spend simply by adding it to the app.
  • XE Currency Converter – With a huge list of world currencies at their current trading figure, the XE currency converter gives you accurate rates on a variety of different currencies, so you always know exactly what you’re spending.
  • – gives you the power to book hotels, hostels and homestays in the palm of your hand and at short notice, perfect for when you’re constantly on the road.  Agoda is my preferred choice for when travelling in Asia.
  • Airbnb – Similar to Airbnb app allows you to book places to stay from the press of a button – ideal for quick and impulsive bookings or wanting to find a more homely place than a commercial hotel.
  • Express VPNProtect your own private web traffic with Express VPN. It can also allow you to surf the web from wherever you are, where restrictions may have been before.
  • Seconds – Keep your fitness regime at its best, even when you’re away, with the Seconds fitness app.

Cold Weather Travel

A solitary man in blue looks out into the wilderness in a snowy harsh climate, next to an orange tent
If you hate the cold then you should pack the appropriate cold-weather gear for your destination.

Your road trip packing list will change with the seasons. When it comes to road trips in the winter, you want to make 100% sure you’ve packed the correct clothing, as a miss-calculation can mean a serious risk of exposure in the wild.

  • Snow shovel – Keeping a snow shovel in the boot means you can dig yourself out of the snow should you get stuck in deep snow.
  • Tyre chains for snow – In icy conditions, attaching chains to your tyres will help keep a better grip on the road, making for safer driving.
  • Warm sleeping bag – Having a double quilted thick sleeping bag will protect you from the cold and the sub-zero conditions.
  • Sleeping bag liner – A sleeping bag liner adds that extra layer of protection without having to invest in a more expensive sleeping bag.
  • Gloves – Gloves are a winter staple and are somewhat of a no-brainer out in the wild. It’s best to invest in some high-quality gloves that offer both warmth and grip.
  • Warm hat – As the largest part of you is exposed to the element and the quickest place on your body to lose heat, it makes sense to keep your head covered with a warm hat.
  • Warm scarf – A warm scarf prevents heat from escaping from your exposed neck and is easy enough to remove if you get too hot and bothered. I actually prefer a neck warmer as it completely covers the neck at all times with a snug fit.
  • Warm jacket – A warm jacket is the ideal protection from the elements but also allows you to put on, and take off layers as you need to. 
  • Fleece – An added layer of warmth to keep you protected from the cold. 
  • Thick socks – Keeping your feet warm is especially important if you are doing long walks and are exposed to the cold for a long period of time. 
  • Hand warmers – These rechargeable hand warmers are a modern luxury that can get your stiff fingers moving again in no time at all.
  • Jumper cables – Jump cables allow you to start your car if the ignition is struggling. Relying on the kindness of a fellow driver, you can start your car even if the ignition is gone. 
  • Antifreeze/ice scraper – Applying antifreeze to your car will melt ice and even stop it from forming; this is a must-have when in freezing conditions and will shave time off the morning’s drive when you don’t need to scrape the windows of ice.  
  • Windshield wiper fluid – Having a top-up in your car is always useful, especially if you’re driving through dirty and dusty roads. 
  • Base layers & thermalsKeep enough layers packed away to deal with the low temperatures.
  • Extra blankets -This is the same as above; these extra blankets are a lifesaver when the cold weather sets it.

Travel in Hot Climates

A male ultramarathon runner walks alone through the Sahara Desert during The Marathin Des Sables race

Road trips during the hot weather can be just as challenging as driving through the cold. Be sure to check your road trip packing list, so you’re not left wanting any extra layers when that heat kicks in.

  • UV window shades – Placing these against the car window will stop the temperature from rising to uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous levels.
  • After sun cooling spray – Spray it on sunburn for instant relief from a day of scorching heat. 
  • Flip-flops – Letting your feet breathe in the high heat is important and will make you feel so much more comfortable. Flip flops are also ideal for quick runs to the toilet from your tent, I’m a Havaianas kind of guy.
  • Thin scarf – A thin scarf can protect your neck from the sun but also provide some comfort should the heat fluctuate between hot and cold.
  • Sunglasses – Protecting your eyes and vision from the sun is important at the best of times but is essential if you are behind the wheel. Invest in a good pair of sunglasses that protect your eyes from UV, not just dim the light. 
  • Baseball hat –  Baseball hats provide the perfect protection for sunny weather. You can wear it in a traditional way, keeping the sun from your eyes, or in ‘90s style, to protect your neck from the sun. 
  • BUFF HeadwearA lightweight headwear that is perfect for those who have short or no hair and wants to protect it from UV light and possible sunburn.
  • Lightweight shoes – Important in the summer months; these allow your feet to breathe and take up minimal space in the car. If you’re looking for an all-rounded shoe then check out my comprehensive Loom Footwear review.
  • Lightweight shorts/trousers – Don’t forget to pack lightweight shorts and trousers, providing manoeuvrability without overheating.
  • Lightweight t-shirts/shirts – The same goes for t-shirts and shirts; having heavyweight shirts will increase your body heat and your chances of sunstroke if your road trip is in a hot country.
  • Swimwear – Swimwear is a must in the hot days of summer when you’ll want to go for a dip in the nearest lake or ocean.
  • Dry bagKeeping all your wet clothes separate from your other gear is a must. So is protecting your electronics when you find yourself in a rainstorm or river crossing. I used to ALWAYS forget this and regret it every time.
  • Umbrella – Hotter climates are more prone to monsoon-like weather, so don’t forget your umbrella! 

Road Trip Packing List For Emergencies 

A man holds his head in agony as he receives oxygen from a tank after a mountain accident
I’ve had better days than my unfortunate accident in Argentina. I lived to tell the tale though (just about!)

This part of the road trip packing list are things we hope you’ll never have to use, but forgetting any of them could have disastrous effects. 

  • First Aid Kit – A first aid kit is a must-have for any trip, as you never know when you’ll need it. Make sure it includes bandages, dressing strips, alcohol swabs, scissors, disposable gloves and antiseptic at a minimum. 
  • Candles – Candles can be a great last resort when all other lights go out, or if you want to create a bit of ambience. 
  • Headlight/TorchHaving a headlight will allow you to make your way safely around camp, lighting your own way. Just don’t forget those spare batteries and remember to add fresh ones before you leave.
  • Emergency services number for the country you’re in – That quick 999 or 911 dial won’t be any good in a foreign country, so be sure to note the Emergency services number for the country you’re in before you set out.
  • Spare money – You never know when you may need that extra bit of cash, so always keeping an emergency stash when paying on a card isn’t an option. 
  • Roadside emergency kit – Pre-packaged roadside emergency kits contain a whole range of tools and features that can help you on the roadside.
  • Duct tape – Duct tape can be a quick fix for all manner of problems, so having a roll of tape at hand can be a road trip saver.
  • WhistleIn an emergency, being able to let people know where you are from a distance, like a loud whistle, can be a lifesaver. It might scare off carnivorous animals who are sizing you up for lunch too!
  • Rape alarmMuch like the whistle, having a rape alarm or personal attack alarm can draw attention from others if you come into danger.

Road Trip Packing: Miscellaneous Items!

And finally… just a few things that everybody tends to forget:

  • Drug prescriptions – Forgetting these can have dangerous consequences for many people, so ensure when checking your road trip packing list, that you have your drug prescriptions.
  • Pack of cards – The perfect campsite pastime, a pack of cards is a world language and can help while away the evenings or strike up a conversation with a new friend. 
  • Hooks/carabiners – You never know when hooks might come in handy; from attaching things to your backpack to hanging your wet washing on the line. 
  • Business cards – you never know what business opportunities may arise on the road, so keeping a supply of business cards is always worth a go.
  • Multivitamins –  Even if vitamin-rich and nutritional food may be scarce, having a supply of multivitamins will keep you happy and healthy. I tend to buy most of my supplements from Solgar as they are the gold standard for having close to what they say on the label. When I am on the road I take extra zinc and magnesium and sometimes a multimineral.
  • Gymnastic ringsGymnastic rings allow you to carry out your daily exercise no matter where you are. They are lightweight, take up little room, and are cheap and I wish I discovered them earlier.
  • Gym clothes – To carry out your daily exercise, a set of gym clothes will make sure that you’re dressed for the occasion.
  • Sink plugBeing able to plug up your washing-up sink or bathtub is something we take for granted. Packing your own will ensure you can always do this and I’ve lost count of how many times a hotel or apartment has a sink and a bath with no plug. Rage inducing!

There you go. I hope this extensive road trip packing list helps you with future planning and saves you time agonising over what you might have forgotten when you’re halfway up the motorway with that strong sense of dread.

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Anthony Middleton

A former loser who took a risk. I now live in Chiang Mai, Thailand and after visiting over 100 countries, my goal is to see them all. Stay tuned for my next fitness challenge, which I'll be announcing in the coming weeks.
Ultra runner walking in desert

Hi, I'm Anthony!

In November of 2010, I took on a mammoth challenge against the clock in a quest to upgrade my miserable life. I went out of my comfort zone and turned it all around. Ten years later, I’m completely location independent…

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