Songkran in Chiang Mai: 2024 Guide To Thailand’s Water Festival!

Songkran in Chiang Mai
Songkran in Chiang Mai

Consider yourself very lucky if you ever get to participate in the annual Songkran Festival, however, choosing to celebrate in Songkran Chiang Mai is the best option available as it really ramps it up to the next level!

The wet and wild Thai Water Festival is constantly and consistently lauded as one of the best travel festivals in the world and after experiencing it for myself I can confirm that it lives up to every bit of its hype. 

It came at a simply perfect time for me, as I had just started to make decent online income after locking myself away in my room in Chiang Mai Old Town for almost a year, so I was ready to let loose with less work and more play.

It proved to be the perfect tonic.

Fast forward to 10 years later and I came back to officially call Chiang Mai my home after visiting over 100 countries 

After returning to my first travel love, I feel like I have a sense of duty to highlight why Songkran in Chiang Mai is the absolute crème de la crème of Songkran destinations, whilst simultaneously educating non-Thai people about the deep and meaningful, religious and spiritual significance of the Songkran Festival.

A little “by the way,” Covid-19 public service announcement: The first two years of the pandemic resulted in Songkran festivities being cancelled. It returned in 2022, but without the water fight, 2023 it was business as usual with the water… it also coincided with Chiang Mai being the most polluted city in the world! (More on that later).

The Meaning of the Songkran Festival

A pretty Thai lady in traditional dress smiles at the camera

Before we get into the fun part, let’s look at the origin of the Songkran Festival and what it means to Thais. To us farangs, it’s a cool, once-in-a-lifetime party, but to Thai people, it has a profound symbolic meaning. Similar to The Holy Festival (Festival of Colours) in India and even closer to home, The Phuket Vegetarian Festival.

I’ve found Thailand to be a particularly superstitious nation, which ties into the origin and tradition of Songkran. In accordance with the Zodiac calendar, this time of year is actually a new year for those who believe in it.

If you were to make a similarity in Western culture, this is their December 31st-January 1st as it’s a transitionary period from the old to the new. It’s a time for contemplation and to spend more time with loved ones, to be grateful for what they have.

As a loose translation, Songkran means “to move into.” The symbol of the water-splashing is to cleanse all misfortunes and bad energy of the past year, to welcome a new start.

Songkran is also recognised and revered in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar but it’s a relatively tame affair compared to Songkran in Thailand and particularly Songkran in Chiang Mai.

When is Songkran 2024?

The next Songkran festival starts on the 13th of April 2024 and in most parts of the region that celebrates it will end on the 15th of April. For Songkran in Chiang Mai, you can expect an extra 2 days on top of that for a 4-day festival.

What Exactly Happens During Songkran Chiang Mai Festival?

Just because Thais have a more philosophical appreciation of Songkran, that doesn’t mean they take themselves too seriously…Thai people certainly know how to party!

Try to envisage walking out your door to complete sensory overload; with emphatically loud music blasting as quite literally, thousands of people are engaging in a no-holds-barred, gigantic water fight.

I’m not exaggerating here, it’s complete pandemonium from the very first second until it’s over. 

A policewoman laughs as people have a water fight.
James of getting stuck into the Songkran spirit.

You will not be able to walk 2 metres without getting completely soaked by someone from all angles. Water guns are the most popular weapon of choice, however, occasionally you will get a nasty wake-up call as someone from above pours a bucket of ice-cold water over your head.

It’s important to be mindful of religious processions taking place and to lay down your arms when they do (more on this later in the rules section).

Booze will be everywhere, good luck finding anywhere peaceful enough to eat a meal and don’t be surprised when the police get stuck right into the Songkran spirit and douse you when your guard is down.

A policewoman poses with tourists in Thailand.

Trust no one. That lovely, smiley old Thai lady that you’re sharing a heartfelt smile with, will go full-on Aqua-Terminator and drench you with her Super Soaker Turbo Farang Destroyer 5000 as soon as you break eye contact.

That cute little kid with innocent, gentle eyes will pour ice-cold water down your back milliseconds after you have made up the imaginary ceasefire in your head.

This is water warfare, go hard or go home.

Why Celebrate Songkran in Chiang Mai?

After talking to friends scattered around Thailand I confirmed my suspicions that Songkran in Chiang Mai lasts longer than most cities in Thailand. The festival officially lasts 5 days all over Thailand, but in terms of the water fight itself, Chiang Mai is a solid 4 days. 

There is not too much information online that backs this and I’m sure you can find exceptions where it isn’t true, but there have been several times when my mates living in Bangkok texted me saying that their water fighting is mostly over after 2 days, while it’s still in peak stage in Chiang Mai.

There are more than enough weird and unusual things to do in Bangkok and it’s a fun city, but if you’re wanting to go the most hardcore for The Songkran Festival; then choose Chiang Mai.

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Thai women smile during Thai Water Festival.

The other main reason to celebrate Songkran in Chiang Mai is access to water. The whole town is built on a moat, so water is in abundance. You won’t have this in Bangkok and it’s an extra tick in the box for anyone with deep-seated disdain for water waste, as the water in the moat is not drinkable.

On that note, as great as the constant supply of water is (and I don’t regret a thing) for full disclosure I should let everyone know that I received a nasty eye infection thanks to spending too much time in the moat, which lasted for 2 weeks with medicine and cream.

Something to consider for anyone with sensitive eyes for sure.

With all things considered such as the unlimited water source, the beautiful religious processions and the length of the water fighting (if that’s your cup of tea), Chiang Mai really is the epicentre of the Songkran Festival. 

Hundreds of people gather around a moat.
Chiang Mai’s Old City. The moat is packed all the way through Songkran.
A young boy dances on a car in a packed crowd.
Wet and wild from dusk till dawn.

How to Prepare For The Songkran Chiang Mai Water Festival

First thing first; get there with ample time. The water fighting will take place for 4 days. You do not want to be arriving during the action (I saw a couple of backpackers do this, they looked traumatised haha).

Aim to be there for a week before so that you can gather your bearings for when everything kicks off. Chiang Mai is a really cool city to visit (although I am slightly biased as an adopted Chiang Mai-er) and you’ll get to see how it is before the madness kicks off.

Also, getting there earlier means you might be able to buy water guns before they are sold out. Ideally buy them beforehand so you can get the best guns (trust me, my friends had crappy guns and they got annoyed pretty fast) but this may not be an option for you if you’re already on the road as a massive water gun takes up substantial room in your luggage!

Book your accommodation early: I’m not going to tell you where to stay, but I am going to tell you where not to stay. I’m surprised to see some online sources suggesting staying in the tourist area, Nimmanhaemin Road. 

I’m sure there will be some decent religious displays on show over there, but it is way too far from the moat to get the best out of Songkran in Chiang Mai. We went all over in those 4 days and Nimmanhaemin bored me. Also, it’s going to come at a premium staying in the touristy part of town during the most important festival of that year.

However, one positive is if you do fancy escaping the crazier part of Songkran in Chiang Mai, Niman provides a more relaxed experience. 

Nimmanhaemin gets a lot of hate from the Chiang Mai “my way is the only way” expat snobs who are waiting for their Hardcore Harry medals to arrive in the post for being so authentic.

I live really close to it and I like it, but when it comes to Songkran; anywhere in the Old City is the best place to put down your roots.Although if you’re looking to hang out with locals then head to the North side of the moat and practice your Thai.

Buy a Protective Dry Bag: You will get soaked from head to toe and will need to be incredibly careful about the timing of bringing out your phone. You can also purchase smaller touchscreen Ziploc bags solely for your phone.

Wear Songkran-friendly clothes: Clothes that you don’t mind getting too wet and toe-covered shoes – flip-flops are WAY too slippy (I found out the hard way!) A swimsuit or shorts and a t-shirt will do the trick, but make sure you bring quick-dry fabrics such as nylon or polyester.

Wear swimming goggles with sun protection for next-level Songkran Chiang Mai Festival water assassin status.

Waterproof cameras only: If you bring a standard camera, the odds of it breaking due to water damage are incredibly high.

Respecting Songkran Festival Rules 

A boy and girl smile at a religious ceremony in Thailand.

Roughly 90% of the time, it’s utter anarchy however there are some rules that must be respected if you don’t want to be an ugly farang.

  • Monks are off-limits: They are seen as sacred in Buddhism and most Thais are Buddhists. This is a no-brainer, but that being said I’ve met a lot of travellers who are a couple of Wagon Wheels short of a lunchbox.
  • Babies and mothers carrying babies: I should not have to elaborate on this one. If you’re splashing kids too, be mindful that they’re tiny humans. Even if a kid gets you real good, they can’t really quantify how hard they get you, but you can. So be gentler.
  • Same with the elderly: Eastern culture is all about protecting the older generation. It’s considered wildly offensive to attack them at Songkran.
  • Don’t splash people on motorbikes: This is dangerous and sadly a common way to kill or seriously injure someone during Songkran.
  • Be mindful of your power: It’s easy to get swept away in all the excitement. When I say “go hard or go home” I mean to jump into Songkran fully. Embrace the quirkiness of it all and expect to be very uncomfortable very often. But this is supposed to be fun and I’m sure you don’t want to hurt anyone, so be mindful of your force, especially with people who seem more vulnerable than you.
  • Lay down your arms for religious processions: Enjoy the armistice while paying respects to the deeper meaning of Songkran and locals will love you for it.
  • Use your head: For us farangs, The Songkran Festival is 4-5 days of hedonism but for many locals, they still have to get from A to B because they still have to go to work. Try to remain vigilant by reading body language, if someone really doesn’t want to be doused with water, their mannerisms will reflect that.

Songkran in Chiang Mai: My Experience                     

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I stepped out of my front door at 9 am from my apartment and into the mayhem in the Old City. I had been so entrenched in getting my blog off the ground pre-Songkran that I somehow completely managed to miss the buildup of it.

I didn’t read up too much about the event beforehand and I couldn’t consciously remember any locals talking about it as I was so inward-focused.

Luckily for me, James and Ian made me buy a solid water gun a few days earlier and I was honestly 5/10 excited about the event. The 5 immediately turned into a 9 as I stepped out into the street, witnessing the madness around me while I felt the intoxicating fervour bouncing off everyone.

Overwhelmed by the noise from the music blasting out of the speakers in all directions and children squealing in glass-shattering screeches, I was quickly taken out of my temporarily catatonic state as a rush of the notorious ice-cold water via a bucket drenched my whole body.

And that was that. A pivotal moment for me; was my very first official welcome to the Chiang Mai Songkran Festival.

A cute female toddler splashes the camera with a water gun.
Tourists smile in a moat during Songkran festival
Me and Ian from refuelling in the moat.
A young boy in goggles lurks during a water fight.
My very own trained Songkran assassin.

I won’t bore you with long-winded, nostalgic personal anecdotes because most people reading this are more interested in the logistics of the Songkran Festival in Chiang Mai than reading my personal diary.

I really have to hammer home an important point; Songkran is not for everyone. Different strokes for different folks, it won’t take you long to find negative online reviews about it and I personally have met both Thai and farang folk who loathe it.

You need to really get into your head how incredibly intense this festival is. It might look cool on a screen in the comfort of your own home, but you will have to be prepared for feeling uncomfortable and even at some times irritable. 

Control freaks and party poopers need not apply.

Even though I am now a Chiang Mai resident and I absolutely loved my Songkran experience, I usually leave the city during this period. Once is enough for me, no point in tainting the good memory that I associate with it, also Songkran coincides with Chiang Mai’s burning season, which makes the city the most polluted city on earth.

If you have respiratory issues, or if you travel with children you will more than likely want to dodge this bullet. It’s not getting any better!

That being said, I experienced Songkran once and I regret nothing.

If your personality fits, Songkran in Chiang Ma is brilliant and one of the very best cultural festivals in Thailand. Come and soak it up and see for yourself. 

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A young boy smiles at a water festival
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Anthony Middleton

A former loser who took a risk. I now live in Chiang Mai, Thailand and after visiting over 100 countries, my goal is to see them all. Stay tuned for my next fitness challenge, which I'll be announcing in the coming weeks.
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Hi, I'm Anthony!

In November of 2010, I took on a mammoth challenge against the clock in a quest to upgrade my miserable life. I went out of my comfort zone and turned it all around. Ten years later, I’m completely location independent…

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