This post was published pretty much 24 hours after arriving in Malaysia, earmarking the inception of my first-ever successful Man vs Clock challenge, which was me starting all over again…
After 12 months; I had done it. I’d left home on a one-way ticket, with a dream to completely turn my life around and I was high on life in Kuala Lumpur.
Sadly, the video diary that I recorded of me leaving Durham and then arriving in KL has gone missing. I have emailed Youtube, to no avail, but I am still working on it.
As much as I cringe at my fashion sense and other insecurities about the way I speak, there is some solid nostalgic value in recording the most significant chapter of my life.
It’s been a decade since I published this. I still absolutely love Malaysia and I managed to successfully leave home forever, travelling all over the world before hanging my hat in northern Thailand.
I’m going to keep these shit pictures up as a museum of that beautiful day I decided to take a risk on myself.

Hello Malaysia…

So there you go, no beautiful photos of scenery, wildlife or beaches. Just a couple of shit photos that don’t mean that much to anyone, but they’re my shit photos and they mean the world to me.