Greetings chaps and chapesses! Click on the video to see me draw eight countries out of a hat – the last one left is the country that I instantly booked a one-way ticket to Well, it’s actually Kinder eggs containers and a mixing bowl, but hey – that’s just how I roll.
Initially, I was going to flick a coin, but “Jess, the Sexy Swindler” said that flicking a coin is not a 50/50 chance and that the coin has more of a chance of landing on the side it was flicked on. In case you didn’t know – “Jess The Sexy Swindler” is a girl from an English TV show called “The Real Hustle,” where they reveal scams by carrying them out on real people.
She is indeed a sexy swindler.

Anyway, sexy swindler’s aside, click on that video below and see where I’m going! (apologies in advance if the video quality is poor and for my fidgeting and mumbling. I’m very nervous on video).
Edit: I have no idea why, but this significant video (amongst others) has gone missing from my Youtube channel Looking into it now.